Greetings, everyone. I hope you all are well this afternoon. I am incredibly excited to announce the opening of my new website development business, located at A polished website is one of the most effective ways to promote and enhance yourself or your business in today’s world. I will ensure that you get a professional website that is affordable, powerful, dependable, and completely customized to meet your needs. My background in math and physics coupled with my experience as a semi-professional photographer gives me a unique skill set that allows me to excel at all areas of website creation.

When I first launched this website nearly six years ago, I would have never imagined that it could look like it does today. The warm reception and support this website has received has been second to none, and I will do everything I can to ensure that trend continues long into the future. As I take the next big step into the world of website development, I hope that the websites that I build can bring about similar reactions as the photos I’ve posted of that beautiful tornado ripping across the open prairie, or that spectacular lightning bolt electrifying the night sky.

I will continue to post photos, videos, forecasts, educational materials, and much more here, just like I always have. Nothing major will change here. The only difference is that I will not be posting quite as much material as I have in the past.

In the meantime, I would really appreciate it if you could pass the word along to anyone you know who may need either a new website or help with an existing one. To sweeten the pie, I encourage you to take advantage of the grand opening sale, as everything is 50% off until Friday, November 7th. Please feel free to bookmark the website as well. Thank you so much for all of your continued love and support.


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