Tom and Ray Magliozzi have been a rich source of inspirational quotes not just for me, but for Car Talk fans around the world. Better known as Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers, Tom and Ray hosted one of the most successful radio shows in the modern era. If you’ve never listened to Car Talk, you’re really missing out. What started out as a nuts and bolts show about cars evolved into a hilarious mix of strange noises, bad marital advice, and even cream rinse…all in the name of cars.
While Saturday mornings are not the same since Tom passed and Ray retired, you can still find an endless supply of Car Talk archives, puzzlers, and more, on your favorite podcasting platform. So direct from the Law Offices of Dewey, Cheetham, and Howe, here are 10 powerful quotes from Tom and Ray Magliozzi, a.k.a. Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers, to inspire your next journey, regardless of what road life takes you down.
On Work
“Don’t be afraid of work. Make work afraid of you. I did such a fabulous job of making work afraid of me that it has avoided me my whole life so far.”
Don’t live to work. Instead, work to live. We all need a healthy work-life balance. Chasing my passion for travel, storytelling, and visual media has brought me to some amazing places over the years.
Find something you love to do, and chase that dream with everything you’ve got. And do you need inspiration? Give the Fuck-It Bucket a try. It changed my life. Alternatively, read up on how to turn the pandemic into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We only get one shot at this little game we call life. How will you make the most of yours?
On Money
“If money can fix it, it’s not a problem.”
I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve toed the line between cheap and frugal on more than one occasion. And I’ll be the first to admit that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed how I think about money. Life is far too short to worry about stupid little problems. Invest in yourself to quash the simple issues, so you can focus on the greater challenges you encounter on whatever journey you happen to be on. Which is a great segue into our next quote.
On Journeys
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.”
Channeling their inner Yogi Berra, Tom and Ray Magliozzi are dead right on this one. The pandemic left many of us, including myself, feeling adrift without a rudder or paddle. However, I’ll leave you with a little advice from personal experience. Once you figure out what you want your dream to look like, come up with a plan for how to get there. Then, put everything you’ve got into it. You may not take the most direct route, but any road will take you there.

On Being Young
“You will never have more energy, enthusiasm, hair, or brain cells than you have today.”
Enjoy the hell out of being young and enthusiastic. Find your passion. Chase your dreams. Support causes you believe in. Because once the responsibilities of adulthood start to bite, it can be really difficult to rekindle that flame underneath you. Trust me, it’s taken me more than two years to rekindle that flame after the pandemic made me seriously re-evaluate what I was doing with my life.
On Checking Items Off Your Bucket List
“Do it while you’re young. You may never have another chance to do anything this stupid again!”
We take a lot of things for granted when we’re young. But the truth is that it’s the best time to get out and check items off your bucket list. You have very few responsibilities, and much more flexibility. Because once you settle down and have jobs, families, and everything else to deal with, you bucket list can quickly look like a pipe dream.

On Happiness
“Happiness equals reality minus expectations.”
Have you every gone somewhere with high expectations and been utterly frustrated when it let you down? Today’s ultra-connected society is pretty much designed to set us up for disappointment. You may read about a cool destination on the internet or see your friends’ seemingly perfect lives on social media. Stop comparing yourself to others and trying to keep up with the Joneses. Because if you didn’t hear, the Joneses are broke.
We’re all on our own unique paths on the journey of life. Appreciate and cherish what you have, what you’ve accomplished, and what lies ahead in the future. Because when your expectations are lower, your happiness will be much higher.
On Extra Baggage
“If it falls off, it doesn’t matter.”
As we get older, we all have extra baggage we carry around. And sometimes, it can become too much to carry. At times, something may fall off. That’s perfectly fine. Because if you let it fall off, it probably wasn’t that important in the first place. Instead of going back to get it, continue to move on. Furthermore, look for additional baggage you can shed. Because the less you have to carry around with you, the happier you’ll be.
On Life’s Experiences
“Kids: Get away from cell phones, get away from the computers, and mail someone a fish before it’s too late.”
We spend far too much time observing the world through cell phone cameras, documenting our own journeys and adventures. But you know what? If you put down the camera, turn off the computer, and put away your phone, you’ll be able to experience a much deeper connection with wherever your journey or adventure takes you.
Disconnecting from the world is an incredibly liberating and fulfilling experience. It can even boost your mental health and happiness. And who knows? Maybe you’ll even find a new, fun activity to enjoy, like mailing someone a fish.

On Humbleness
“Our humility is what makes us great.”
In today’s self-centered, celebrity-obsessed world, be humble. Be kind to others, laugh at yourself, and expand your horizons. Becoming a global citizen will broaden your global perspective and allow you to bring fresh, new views back to your own community.
Storytelling through visual media is an incredibly powerful means to engage communities and raise awareness both at home and abroad. How do you want to be remembered? As humble and great, or as ego-centric and selfish?

On Learning Life’s Lessons
“How do you keep a mattress on the roof of your car from flying? Yeah, well I don’t know how many people know it, but a lot of people have learned that putting your arm up there to hold the mattress is not going to work.”
We’ve all done stupid things in our lives. Maybe more often than you’d care to admit. However, as long as you learn your lesson when you do something stupid and can avoid repeating the same mistake in the future, doing something really stupid is not entirely a bad thing. Stop fearing failure. Instead, embrace not just making mistakes, but also the opportunity to learn from them.

Car Talk fans know that Tom and Ray Magliozzi are much better known for their lousy marital advice than their inspirational quotes. However, behind all the humor, jokes, and laughter is a lot of inspiration. Regardless of what journey you’re on or where it’s taking you, let Click and Clack, the Tappett Brothers inspire your next adventure. It has certainly taken me to some amazing places. And always remember…don’t drive like my brother.
Top Photo: The Site of the Famous Forrest Gump Scene
Halchita, Utah – December, 2021