The post We’re Taking a Break From Blogging This Summer to Formally Begin This Life-Changing New Chapter appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>When I say we’re taking a break from blogging, that does not mean that we’re going to completely stop publishing content. Instead of weekly posts, we will be cutting back to 1-2 posts per month for the duration of the summer. New content will be published on the first and third Fridays of every month. Everything will still be published at the same time, on Fridays at 15:00 UTC (11 AM EDT/8 AM PDT). We’ll resume our once per week schedule in September.
Again, we’re not completely stopping publishing new blog content this summer. We’re simply reducing the amount of new content we’re publishing to the blog. Pretty much all of the blog content we’ll publish will come in the form of short tutorials and stories from the road as we travel across Canada and parts of the western United States.
Just a few of the amazing places this new chapter has already taken me.
Finally, taking a break from blogging is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The time we’re freeing up this summer is being devoted to expanding and diversifying our content, as well as getting the business fully back up and running in this exciting post-COVID chapter. If you want more of our content this summer, please check out our YouTube channel, Pinterest feed, or the Matt Gove Photo website for additional content this summer. Now, here are the details.
I have always used my photography and video adventures as an escape during tough times. When the pandemic hit two years ago, it took away that escape. As a result, I really leaned on blogging to fill that void while we were all stuck at home. It was a great escape, and gave me something I could be passionate about throughout the shutdowns. And the results speak volumes. Over the past two years, we’ve grown both readership and engagement nearly an order of magnitude (a factor of 10).
As rewarding as it is to see those kind of results, I’d be lying if I told you it was easy. It takes an incredible amount of hard work and dedication to achieve just a fraction of those results. And after three straight years of pushing out weekly content, I simply need a break from the weekly grind of writing posts. This is exactly why we have put so much emphasis on evergreen content. It allows us to take these kinds of breaks, while at the same time continue to grow the blog.
While blogging is my preferred method of content distribution, it’s important not to put all of our eggs into that one basket. Indeed, we launched new YouTube and Pinterest channels this spring. We’ve also updated our websites as an additional platform to distribute content. But it doesn’t stop there, either. As GIS professionals, you can probably guess, we’re also adding a bunch of interactive maps. Our goal is to make it incredibly easy to browse, find, and consume the location-specific content that you need to plan your next adventure.
In addition to videos, we’ll also be publishing online courses, books, guides, and much more over the next several months. Cutting back on blogging this summer will allow us to focus on growing our new channels so we can deliver even more quality and value to you.
These two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have been a transition period for both myself and my business. We’ve undergone a lot of changes and have even started a new chapter. And with that transition being nearly complete, I need to dedicate some time to growing these new parts of the business.
In addition to all the new content channels, we also opened the Matt Gove Photo Store last year. We also unveiled a new Matthew Gove Web Development product catalog, shifting our focus to GIS, data science, and visual media.
With so much of my time last winter dedicated to getting my house sold, some areas of my business didn’t get as much attention as I would have liked. Cutting back on the blogging for the summer will allow me to really start getting those more neglected aspects of the business fully back up and running.
Cutting back on blogging for the summer is not a decision I make lightly. But it’s the best decision for both myself and the business going forward. Diversification will allow us to create more content that is tailored exactly to what you want to consume. And best of all, the quality and value of that content will only be better.
In the meantime, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, give us a follow on Pinterest, and sign up for our email newsletter. Keep an eye out for our next post on the first of July. And, as always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime. Happy Summer!
Top Photo: Winter Sunrise in the Rocky Mountains
Boulder, Colorado – February, 2022
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]]>The post How to Cleanse Your Soul in Nature: 10 John Muir Quotes appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>In 1868, John Muir booked his first passage to California. As soon as he visited what is now Yosemite National Park, his quest to preserve nature for future generations was born. On 1 March, 1872, his efforts led to his first major accomplishment. That day, President Ulysses S. Grant signing into law the bill that established Yellowstone National Park as the first national park not just in the United States, but also the world.
Muir was nearly singlehandedly responsible for creating Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks in the 1890s. He also heavily influenced the creation of Mt. Rainier National Park (1899) and Grand Canyon National Park (1919). Unfortunately he didn’t live long enough to see it, but his actions led to the U.S. government establishing the National Parks Service in 1916. Today, you’ll see John Muir’s name all over parks, attractions, and nature preserves all over the western United States. In fact, there’s even an entire National Historic Site in California, as well as a peak in the High Sierra named after him.
One of the most famous John Muir quotes about nature states that ”I care to live only to entice people to look at Nature’s loveliness.” While we didn’t base our mission statement off of that quote, it echoes much of the same sentiment both our mission and vision statements do. John Muir’s quotes about nature have inspired us in so many ways. And we hope that they can help inspire you, too, to get out in nature, expand your horizons, and become a better global citizen.
“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.
This quote encompasses my life in so many different ways. From hiking to my adventures on back country roads, scenic drives, and beyond, quite a few of the paths I’ve taken in life are dirt. As an escape from both the monotony and the stressors in life, those dirt paths are my happy place.
Additionally, don’t be afraid to break out of the stereotypical mold and live the life you want. Don’t stay on the paved road. Be adventuresome. Get out on the dirt and off the beaten path. You’ll be amazed at the places it can take you.
“The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.”
They say that once you’ve caught the travel bug it’s hard to let it go. In addition to his quotes about nature, John Muir had a deep passion for travel. Indeed, he managed to travel to all corners of the United States, from Miami to Barrow, Alaska, and from California to New York City. What’s even more impressive is that he did it long before cars and airplanes even existed. Instead, ship and rail were John Muir’s primary modes of transportation during the prime of his life in the late 1800’s. Regardless of what era you live in, travel is one of the best ways to step out of your comfort zone, experience new cultures, and expand your horizons.
“Doubly happy, however, is the man to whom lofty mountain tops are within reach”
The Sierra Nevada mountains had a particularly special place in John Muir’s heart. With his deep love for the mountains, it’s no surprise that he said that you’re at your happiest when you’re near the top of tall mountains. And having climbed quite a few mountains over the years, Muir is 100% correct in this statement. But it goes deeper than standing on the summit of a mountain.
This John Muir quote is also a great metaphor for life. Regardless of whether you’re setting career goals, health goals, personal goals, or any other goal, set them to your highest aspirations. Like making an ascent up a tall mountain, these goals are not meant to be easy. Because you can start to taste it once you get close to the summit. And once you’re standing on top, it’s pure heaven.
“This national beauty-hunger is made manifest…in our magnificent National Parks…Nature’s sublime wonderlands, the admiration and joy of the world.”
You don’t appreciate the true beauty and magnificence of the national parks until you step foot in them. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, ”There is nothing so American as our national parks. The fundamental idea behind the parks is that the country belongs to the people, that it is in process of making for the enrichment of the lives of all of us.” Stepping into a national park such as Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Yellowstone, or Grand Teton gives you that true feeling of American liberty and freedom.
But while the United States came up with the concept of the national parks, the magnificence of nature’s sublime wonderlands have spread far beyond the borders of the United States. From Patagonia’s Torres del Paine to Tanzania’s Serengeti to Thailand’s Khao Sok, you can admire nature’s most beautiful creations in national parks all over the world. Because if the National Parks don’t inspire you to get out in nature, I don’t know what will.
“One day’s exposure to the mountains is better than a cartload of books.”
It wasn’t until I started traveling that I realized how important real-world experience is. While book learning is important, it’s nowhere near as enriching, fulfilling, and even defining as real-world experience. I got my first taste of it while storm chasing as a meteorology student at the University of Oklahoma. But it doesn’t really hit you until you have to watch an EF-5 tornado packing winds over 200 mph tear through one of the most densely-populated areas in the state. At its closest, the tornado passed less than 4 miles from my house.
Or how about living near the U.S.-Mexico border during the Trump presidency. I didn’t trust anything I heard on the news, so I went down to the border to see for myself what it was truly like. I wanted to see how the issue impacted life and opinions on both sides of the border. The experience was eye-opening.
The more you travel, the more you expose yourself to experiences like these. And that in turn drives you to travel for deeper reasons. It piques your interest about new cultures, exotic destinations, and a broader outlook on the world. Because we as a society have grown far too close-minded over the past decade. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and experience the world from a different point-of-view. While the experience may only be a brief fleeting moment in time, the lessons, on the other hand, last forever.
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest of wilderness.”
If you’re feeling lost for any reason, heading out into nature is one of the best ways to get back on track. You’ll come back refreshed, reinvigorated, and re-motivated. Because often the best way to clear your mind from a forest of thoughts is to go pass through a literal forest of wilderness.
“Between every two pine trees is a doorway leading to a new way of life.”
This is one of my favorite John Muir quotes because getting out in nature has always been my escape during tough times. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it took the travel photography and nature adventures away from me. All of a sudden, I had no escape from the tough times. As a result, the lockdown made me re-prioritize and reconsider what I wanted my life to look like. So I decided to set off on this incredible next chapter to go off and explore the world.
The lesson here is that if you’re feeling lost or in need of a fresh start, head out into nature. It cleanses the soul, gives you a new perspective, and sows the seeds of new beginnings.
“God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools.”
John Muir said this in 1897. However, I find this quote to be even more relevant in modern times, with the various climate crises we face today. Because humanity continues to prove time and time again, that we all seem to be fools. And unfortunately, we’re destroying the planet as a result.
“The mountains are the foundations of men as well as of rivers, of glaciers, of fertile soil. The great poets, philosophers, prophets, able men whose thoughts and deeds have moved the world, have come down from the mountains – mountain dwellers who have grown strong there with the forest trees in Nature’s workshops.”
If you’ve ever been to the Sierra Nevadas, or any other majestic mountain range for that matter, this quote should instantly reverberate. The beauty of the mountains seems to provide that connection between you and some higher power. You just don’t get that same feeling in any other landscape. And when you look at photos like these, it just leaves you in awe of its incredible beauty.
“The power of imagination makes us infinite.”
No matter what line of work you’re in, don’t be afraid to be creative. In fact, you should embrace it. Think outside the box if you have to. It’s a great way to stimulate your brain. I find that when I get stuck on a problem, I’ll step away from it and do something creative. More often than not, when I come back to it, the solution comes right to me.
The best thing about creativity and imagination is that there are really no limits to what you can do with it. Indeed, people have made careers out of creativity that were unthinkable even just 10 years ago. So go embrace the power of imagination. You’ll be amazed where it can take you. For me, being able to combine the creativity in photography, video, and design, with my technical skills in math, data, and GIS, has allowed me to open some really unique doors and do a lot of things many other people haven’t. Where will your creativity and imagination take you?
“And into the woods I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.”
There is something truly refreshing about going off into nature. The solace of the bright blue skies and the crisp wind blowing through the trees seems to reinvigorate you. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next project, or simply trying to escape the stressors of day-to-day life, head out into nature. It really does refresh the mind and cleanse the soul. And you’ll be in a much better state from it.
John Muir was one of the true pioneers of nature conservation, and his quotes about nature reflect his deep passion for the environment. His contributions to the national parks have reverberated not just throughout the United States, but around the world. Indeed, he was influential in the creation of the first national park in the world.
Establishing Yellowstone National Park sparked a massive nature conservation movement around the world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Without John Muir’s efforts, the world’s national parks may not exist today. The next time you see John Muir quotes in a national park, or anywhere else out in nature, make sure you stop and appreciate everything he did that made today’s outdoor recreation opportunities possible.
Want to learn more about the national parks? Check out our new Matt Unmapped travel series. We’ll visit many national parks, not just throughout the United States, but around the world. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, either.
Top Photo: Majestic Sierra Nevada Mountains Tower Over Lake Tahoe
South Lake Tahoe, California – February, 2020
The post How to Cleanse Your Soul in Nature: 10 John Muir Quotes appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>The post 5 Reasons You Need to Travel Your Home Country Before Setting Off Abroad appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>In the scientific method, establishing a baseline using a control group is a critical step in conducting a successful experiment. If you’re unfamiliar with a control group, it’s the group in your experiment where you don’t introduce the independent variable you’re testing. The most well-known recent example of a control group was in the clinical trials of the COVID-19 vaccines. In those trials, participants were either given the vaccine or a placebo. The group that received the placebo was the control group.
Traveling in your home country before setting off abroad establishes the same type of baseline. Without that baseline, you’ll have nothing to compare your adventures abroad to. Your experiences won’t be as authentic or as deep as they would be had you fully experienced your home country first before going abroad.
My adventures throughout the United States have taken me to some pretty amazing places over the years.
We’re all creatures of habit. There’s simply no denying that. We all have our routines that we like to follow every day, no matter how monotonous they may seem. Unfortunately it’s easy to become close-minded when all you do is follow the same routine every day. Furthermore, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of only exposing yourself to content and ideas you agree with. It can be difficult for a lot of people, but it’s really beneficial to at least hear what the other side has to say.
Getting out to travel and explore your home country will break that routine, regardless of whether or not you intend to go abroad. I strongly recommend that you travel beyond your home state or region. That will almost force you to open up to other regional cultures throughout your home country. See new sights. Try new foods. Listen to different types of music. The list goes on and on. Some you may agree with, and some you may not.
Opening your mind through travel in your home country is even more important in large diverse countries, such as the United States and Canada. For example, in the United States, which is my home country, you’ll have vastly different experiences in New England vs. the Deep South, the coast vs. the heartland, Alaska vs. Hawaii, and beyond. Is that still not enough to convince you? Getting out of your rut has been proven to boost your mental health, productivity, and efficiency. And domestic travel is one of the best ways to get out of your rut! What are you waiting for?
To fully open my own mind, it has been a long-time goal of mine to visit all 50 U.S. States and all 13 Canadian Provinces and territories. Furthermore, I intend to visit as many Mexican states as I can. Not only will this help me better understand my fellow Americans, it will also open my mind to our neighbors to both the north and south.
Travel allows you to better understand the issues facing fellow citizens in your home country. Even better, you’ll learn about issues that are affecting people across the aisle from you, whether that aisle is political, age, gender, race, or anything else. Because when we can better understand each other, we can better heal the rifts that divide us, as well as strengthen the bonds that unite us. This is especially true for large and diverse countries such as the United States and Canada.
When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in early 2020, it cut me off from the rest of my family on the other side of the country. The pandemic, plus the complete shitshow that Arizona turned into following the 2020 election pushed me over the edge, as I was receiving threats related to either the pandemic or the election pretty much any time I went out in public. As a result, I drove across the United States at the height of the winter COVID-19 wave in February, 2021 to re-unite with my family on the east coast.
Just a few of the hazards to deal with on my February, 2021 cross-country road trip
Without access to vaccines or much other protection from the pandemic, traveling in the bubble while trying to avoid all contact with the outside world was not particularly comfortable or pleasant. But I made it across without getting sick, and I’m really damn proud of that. Most importantly, that trip was absolutely eye-opening for how different parts of the country viewed the pandemic. The lessons I learned from that trip were heartbreaking. However, they ultimately gave me a much better appreciation for the issues that have bitterly divided the country, and I am eternally grateful for that.
Now fast-forward a year. Vaccines are widely available. But less than a week before I was set to leave to drive back across the country to sell my house, South Africa announced they discovered the omicron variant. On the second day of my road trip, the U.S. confirmed its first case of omicron in California. I vividly remember listening to Dr. Fauci’s press conference that afternoon as I drove across Iowa.
As omicron spiked to nearly four times the peak of the 2020 winter wave, I can only describe the feeling in the western US as eerily normal. I still don’t know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. But the big thing I noticed was that each side’s animosity towards the other side over COVID-19 restrictions was far less compared to just nine or ten months earlier. The bitter divisions were still clear as I made my way around the United States, but there was a sense of optimism everywhere that didn’t exist earlier in the pandemic. Even better, I was able to enjoy the first “fun” trip since my 2019 road across Mexico, the United States, and Canada. What a difference a year makes!
Scenes from my Winter 2021-2022 Cross Country Road Trip
As a result, once you go abroad, you’ll have a much deeper understanding and perspective of your home country. Between 2017 and the onset of the pandemic, I routinely traveled to Puerto Peñasco and Los Algodones, Mexico because I wanted to see how “the other side” viewed the border issues that became a central talking point of the Trump presidency.
Interestingly, what hit the hardest was not what the Mexicans thought about the border issues. Instead, it was how much visiting Mexico changed my perspective of the United States. Specifically, it opened my eyes to just how bitter and divided the U.S. had become. More importantly, I realized that I had become rather narrow-minded and needed to be more open and accepting of other views.
You don’t need to go far to realize this deeper perspective. The majority of my trips to Mexico brought me to Los Algodones, where I could make these comparisons less than a block and a half from the border.
You can’t be a global citizen without understanding you own country. A global citizen is someone who is aware of the world and has a sense of their role in it. They are involved as members of the international community and are committed to building on this community in a meaningful and positive way. Becoming a global citizen will broaden your global perspective and allow you to bring fresh, new views back to your own community. As a global citizen, you’ll gain a deeper connection to culture and customs both at home and abroad.
When you travel in your home country, you’ll expose yourself to new culture and history. On my recent trip through the western United States, I not only traveled, but also experienced the entire length of the Oregon Trail. Being able to see the wagon ruts and walk in the exact same spot as so many westbound emigrants nearly 180 years ago transports you back in time. You realize the immense scale of the challenges and hardships these settlers had to endure on what was often a nine or ten month journey west, in a way that history textbooks simply cannot teach. These direct experiences in culture and history in your home country ultimately lead to a much richer experience abroad.
There’s no better way to learn new things about yourself than to step out of your comfort zone. Get out there and try new things. It will open your mind and you’ll be amazed at how many new things you’ll learn about yourself. Then, once you head abroad, you’ll be able to expand on those lessons and learn even more about yourself.
Here in the United States, greed is pretty much built into the corporate culture. Instead, I prefer to shop local when I travel. You’ll be supporting small businesses and mom and pop shops that can use the revenue a lot more than some mega corporation. Furthermore, your money will stay local and support the local economy instead of lining the pockets of some rich CEO in a big city that’s a long way from where you happen to be. As a small business owner, I encourage you to shop small and shop local. Your local economy will thank you.
Traveling abroad is one of life’s richest experiences. You’ll immerse yourself in new cultures and customs, push yourself beyond your comfort zone, as well as learn an incredible amount about yourself, your home country, as well as the destinations to which you’re traveling.
However, in order to get the fullest experience abroad, you must travel and experience your home country first. Without experiencing your own country first, you won’t have that baseline to compare your adventures abroad. And as a result, you’d miss out on one of the primary reasons we travel in the first place.
Top Photo: Rafting the Colorado River
Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona – June, 2015
The post 5 Reasons You Need to Travel Your Home Country Before Setting Off Abroad appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>The post 10 Powerful Quotes from Tom and Ray Magliozzi to Inspire Your Next Journey appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>While Saturday mornings are not the same since Tom passed and Ray retired, you can still find an endless supply of Car Talk archives, puzzlers, and more, on your favorite podcasting platform. So direct from the Law Offices of Dewey, Cheetham, and Howe, here are 10 powerful quotes from Tom and Ray Magliozzi, a.k.a. Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers, to inspire your next journey, regardless of what road life takes you down.
“Don’t be afraid of work. Make work afraid of you. I did such a fabulous job of making work afraid of me that it has avoided me my whole life so far.”
Don’t live to work. Instead, work to live. We all need a healthy work-life balance. Chasing my passion for travel, storytelling, and visual media has brought me to some amazing places over the years.
Find something you love to do, and chase that dream with everything you’ve got. And do you need inspiration? Give the Fuck-It Bucket a try. It changed my life. Alternatively, read up on how to turn the pandemic into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We only get one shot at this little game we call life. How will you make the most of yours?
“If money can fix it, it’s not a problem.”
I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve toed the line between cheap and frugal on more than one occasion. And I’ll be the first to admit that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed how I think about money. Life is far too short to worry about stupid little problems. Invest in yourself to quash the simple issues, so you can focus on the greater challenges you encounter on whatever journey you happen to be on. Which is a great segue into our next quote.
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.”
Channeling their inner Yogi Berra, Tom and Ray Magliozzi are dead right on this one. The pandemic left many of us, including myself, feeling adrift without a rudder or paddle. However, I’ll leave you with a little advice from personal experience. Once you figure out what you want your dream to look like, come up with a plan for how to get there. Then, put everything you’ve got into it. You may not take the most direct route, but any road will take you there.
“You will never have more energy, enthusiasm, hair, or brain cells than you have today.”
Enjoy the hell out of being young and enthusiastic. Find your passion. Chase your dreams. Support causes you believe in. Because once the responsibilities of adulthood start to bite, it can be really difficult to rekindle that flame underneath you. Trust me, it’s taken me more than two years to rekindle that flame after the pandemic made me seriously re-evaluate what I was doing with my life.
“Do it while you’re young. You may never have another chance to do anything this stupid again!”
We take a lot of things for granted when we’re young. But the truth is that it’s the best time to get out and check items off your bucket list. You have very few responsibilities, and much more flexibility. Because once you settle down and have jobs, families, and everything else to deal with, you bucket list can quickly look like a pipe dream.
“Happiness equals reality minus expectations.”
Have you every gone somewhere with high expectations and been utterly frustrated when it let you down? Today’s ultra-connected society is pretty much designed to set us up for disappointment. You may read about a cool destination on the internet or see your friends’ seemingly perfect lives on social media. Stop comparing yourself to others and trying to keep up with the Joneses. Because if you didn’t hear, the Joneses are broke.
We’re all on our own unique paths on the journey of life. Appreciate and cherish what you have, what you’ve accomplished, and what lies ahead in the future. Because when your expectations are lower, your happiness will be much higher.
“If it falls off, it doesn’t matter.”
As we get older, we all have extra baggage we carry around. And sometimes, it can become too much to carry. At times, something may fall off. That’s perfectly fine. Because if you let it fall off, it probably wasn’t that important in the first place. Instead of going back to get it, continue to move on. Furthermore, look for additional baggage you can shed. Because the less you have to carry around with you, the happier you’ll be.
“Kids: Get away from cell phones, get away from the computers, and mail someone a fish before it’s too late.”
We spend far too much time observing the world through cell phone cameras, documenting our own journeys and adventures. But you know what? If you put down the camera, turn off the computer, and put away your phone, you’ll be able to experience a much deeper connection with wherever your journey or adventure takes you.
Disconnecting from the world is an incredibly liberating and fulfilling experience. It can even boost your mental health and happiness. And who knows? Maybe you’ll even find a new, fun activity to enjoy, like mailing someone a fish.
“Our humility is what makes us great.”
In today’s self-centered, celebrity-obsessed world, be humble. Be kind to others, laugh at yourself, and expand your horizons. Becoming a global citizen will broaden your global perspective and allow you to bring fresh, new views back to your own community.
Storytelling through visual media is an incredibly powerful means to engage communities and raise awareness both at home and abroad. How do you want to be remembered? As humble and great, or as ego-centric and selfish?
“How do you keep a mattress on the roof of your car from flying? Yeah, well I don’t know how many people know it, but a lot of people have learned that putting your arm up there to hold the mattress is not going to work.”
We’ve all done stupid things in our lives. Maybe more often than you’d care to admit. However, as long as you learn your lesson when you do something stupid and can avoid repeating the same mistake in the future, doing something really stupid is not entirely a bad thing. Stop fearing failure. Instead, embrace not just making mistakes, but also the opportunity to learn from them.
Car Talk fans know that Tom and Ray Magliozzi are much better known for their lousy marital advice than their inspirational quotes. However, behind all the humor, jokes, and laughter is a lot of inspiration. Regardless of what journey you’re on or where it’s taking you, let Click and Clack, the Tappett Brothers inspire your next adventure. It has certainly taken me to some amazing places. And always remember…don’t drive like my brother.
Top Photo: The Site of the Famous Forrest Gump Scene
Halchita, Utah – December, 2021
The post 10 Powerful Quotes from Tom and Ray Magliozzi to Inspire Your Next Journey appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>The post 10 Powerful Kenny Chesney Lyrics To Inspire and Motivate Your Next Adventure appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>I hope these powerful and inspirational lyrics will help you escape to a white sandy beach, as well as inspire you to live your fullest life and change the world for the better as we emerge from the pandemic.
I wanna play my guitar in the Caribbean sun
Kenny Chesney, Be As You Are
Hang out with the locals at the Quiet Moon
Where you can be a tourist, a beach bum, or a star
And be as you are
Be as you are
No matter the situation you’re in, always be yourself. Stop putting on an act to try to impress people or fit in. As a result, you’ll come across so much more authentic. Whether you’re in search of friends, followers, professional relationships, or anything else, there are plenty of people out there who will appreciate you for who you are. Stop the charades, and be as you are.
I need to live a little, have some fun
Kenny Chesney, Live a Little
Take some time, waste it on number one
Find a girl that brings my whole world to a stop
Live a little, love a lot
As the pandemic has dragged on endlessly, the powerful lyrics to Live a Little actually helped motivate me to start the next chapter in my life. More specifically, the last line was what really sealed it for me. After going through the shutdowns and lockdowns and directly experiencing all of the hate and divisiveness that the pandemic has wrought on us, that would be one of my primary goals for the next chapter: live a little, and love a lot.
Additionally, like the song says, don’t be afraid to take some time and waste it on number one. Investing in yourself is the best investment you’ll ever make, and it only makes you a better person in all facets of life. Go on that vacation to recharge your batteries. Take that course or learn that skill you’ve always wanted to. Start that business you’ve been dreaming of for years. If you’re not gonna do it now, when will you?
I made a bucket list, changed the B to an F
Kenny Chesney, Bucket
Gave my give-a-damn the finger, so it got up and left
I quit worrying ’bout people’s expectations
And ordered up a six-pack of chillaxification
If you read this blog regularly, you likely recognize these powerful lyrics. Indeed, they are a core part of some of my philosophies that help me life the fullest life I can. For the best example, look no further than the Fuck-It Bucket. Get off the rat race and the hamster wheel. Start doing things you’re passionate about that light a fire under you and make you excited to get out of bed every morning. And who cares what other people think? As long as you’re happy and motivated, isn’t that really all that matters?
Happy is as happy does
Kenny Chesney, Happy Does
Grab a 6 string, find a rope swing
Hang a palm tree in your truck
Drink a beer just because
Steal a slow dance in a rain storm
And a kiss from who you love
Laugh and live with a half full cup
Yeah, happy is as happy does
Try to see the world with a “glass half-full” perspective. We’re exposed to an incredible amount of negative content every day. Not surprisingly, it’s so easy to see the negative in everything, especially in the pandemic era. Instead, find something that makes you happy, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. Then, experience it routinely, but especially when you’re feeling down. So you can live your life with a half-full cup. Because happy is as happy does.
It’s a big old beautiful world out there
Kenny Chesney, Beautiful World
Sometimes you just gotta let it take you where
The roller coaster ride meets the tilt a whirl
It’s a big old beautiful world
It’s a big old beautiful world
When Chesney first debuted this song, he explained that he got the motivation to write the song sitting on the back of his boat in the middle of the night looking up at all the starts. It really hit him just how insignificant we can all feel at times. At the same time, he realized just how big and beautiful both the world and the universe are, and that we should strive to experience as much of it as possible.
When I heard his explanation, it immediately got me thinking about travel. Ironically the album this song is on was released in May, 2020, at the height of the COVID lockdowns, so the wanderlust hit particularly hard. But that only motivated me more to commit to seeing as much of the world as I can once things fully reopen. Because when we travel and broaden our horizons, we can better understand each other. And that makes the world a better place.
We’re too young until we’re too old
Kenny Chesney, Rich and Miserable
We’re all lost on the yellow brick road
We climb the ladder, but the ladder just grows
We’re born, we work, we die, it’s spiritual
Enough is never enough
American Dream never wakes up
Too much is never too much
We won’t be happy ’til we’re rich and miserable
It’s easy to get sucked into chasing money as we advance in our careers. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s to be expected. However, like all things, it becomes a problem when it becomes obsessive and greedy. Once you start down that path, nothing is ever good enough. You keep craving more. Money can’t buy happiness. You’ll just wind up rich and miserable.
Instead, get off the rat race and stop comparing yourself to other people. We all chart our own unique path through life. Be happy with what you have. Don’t buy things just to keep up with the Joneses. Because you know what? The Joneses are broke and heavily in debt. You’ll be in much better shape financially if you stick to appreciating what you have and reaching your life’s landmarks on the path and schedule you’ve chosen.
Life is good, the grass is green
Kenny Chesney, Life is Good
The good Lord smilin’ on you and me
Gonna knock on wood
Sweet sunshine everywhere I look
You love me like no one could
Life is good
Cherish and appreciate all the good things that happen to you every day, and kick all your negative thoughts to the curb. Next, let those feelings and appreciations grow. As a result, your happiness will become contagious and your outlook will swing to the positive. Take on that “glass half-full” attitude, and let the sweet sunshine shine everywhere you look. Embrace the grass being green, and life being good.
Don’t blink
Kenny Chesney, Don’t Blink
Just like that
You’re six years old and you take a nap
And you wake up and you’re twenty-five
And your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don’t blink
You might just miss
Your babies growing up like mine did
Turning into moms and dads
Next thing you know
Your better half of fifty years is there in bed
And you’re praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend
A hundred years goes faster than you think
So don’t blink
As I get older, the lyrics of this song seems to get more and more powerful. You look back and realize just how fast everything is going by. Being stuck at home during the pandemic made me realize just how much I want to go experience in the world, as well as how little of that I’ve actually accomplished.
As a result, you should focus on making the most of today. Cherish those experiences, and start checking items off your bucket list. Look forward to tomorrow, but worry about tomorrow when it comes. Most importantly, listen to the wisdom of your elders. Because the years certainly go by faster than you think. You don’t want to blink and miss them.
On the coast of somewhere beautiful
Kenny Chesney, On the Coast of Somewhere Beautiful
Trade winds blown through her hair
Sunlight dancin’ on the water
And I wish I was there
Don’t know how I’m goin’ to find her
All I know so far
She’s on the coast of somewhere beautiful
Runnin’ with my heart
While this song is about missing a romantic interest, I always think about these lyrics when I’m out on a photo or video shoot and come across a spot that’s just breathtakingly beautiful. The second you see the scene, you instantly know that this is where you’ll get “The Shot.” Everything in the frame is composed absolutely perfectly.
Sunsets are how I best relate to the song. In fact, a few months ago, I was finally able to capture the full meaning and emotion of this song in just a single photograph.
My favorite part of sunset actually occurs after the sun sets. As the light fades into deep blues, purples, and reds in the western sky, it eventually becomes too dark to continue shooting. It’s not until you put down the camera and just soak in the environment that you feel that true connection with nature. Because these spectacular scenic scenes and landscapes are certainly on the coast of somewhere beautiful, running with my heart.
If you are in need of motivation to seize the moment and lay it all out to realize your dreams, this is the song for you.
This is our moment,
Kenny Chesney
This is our time.
And we ain’t holdin’ back,
We’re laying it all on the line.
This is our destiny,
It’s our night to shine,
This is our moment,
This is our time.
This song also heavily influenced the next chapter of my life. I’m one of those people who prefers to see setbacks as opportunities. And there was no bigger opportunity than the COVID-19 pandemic. I mean, how often does life let you take a complete mulligan and reset your life the way you want to live it?
Being able to hit the reset button on life has lit a fire under me like I’ve never experienced before. I can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning and go create, do, and experience amazing things. The future has never had more potential or been brighter. Whenever I feel that fire start to diminish, I just put this song on. Because it always reminds me that this is our destiny, and it’s our night to shine. This is both our moment and our time.
Kenny Chesney’s music has, and continues to greatly influence my life. Whether I need motivation, inspiration, an escape, or just a pick-me-up, he’s always had a song for me. As I look forward to this next chapter, I can’t wait to see how Chesney’s songs will continue to inspire not just my life path, but also my photography, videos, maps, and much more. How have Kenny Chesney’s songs influenced your life? Leave your stories in the comments below.
Top Photo: Turquoise Waters and White Sand Beaches at Lake Tahoe
Incline Village, Nevada – February, 2020
The post 10 Powerful Kenny Chesney Lyrics To Inspire and Motivate Your Next Adventure appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>The post The Fuck-It Bucket: How to Live Your Best Life and Realize Your Dreams appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>Regardless of where you are on the “taking back my life” spectrum, I want to introduce you to the Fuck-It Bucket. When used correctly, it will completely change your life, giving you back control to do what you want. And it can be had for less than $10.
The original Fuck-It Bucket was born from a David Sedaris story. In the story, his brother fills a bucket with candy. When life got him down, he just said “Fuck It” and had a piece of candy. Unfortunately, in today’s age, we can’t cure the stress, struggles, and other bullshit we deal with on a daily basis with a piece of candy. Instead of having a piece of candy, you’re going to use your bucket to live you some life.
The Fuck-It Bucket is a no-nonsense, stress-relieving framework that cuts through all the bullshit in life. Revolutionize your world, improve your future, and enhance your existence. It’s what you get when you cross “Shit Happens” with “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”. All I can say is that it has gotten me through the darkest and toughest of times, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.
The bucket is an outlet to vent your frustration, toss aside your regrets, and heal your heartbreak. It’s also the motivation you need to say “Yes” to all those things you have been wanting to, but kept coming up with excuses as to why you couldn’t. Perhaps you were too scared. Maybe you didn’t have the funding. Or you were just too tied down to your job. Whatever the reason was, something was holding you back. Let the bucket help you break through those barriers.
Most importantly, though, the Fuck-It Bucket is your ticket to living your best life, the way you want. And it’s so simple to use.
It can be scary at first, but trust me. You’ll do amazing things once you adopt the bucket’s philosophy. It has led me to all corners of North America and given me the freedom of being my own boss.
As someone who graduated into the teeth of the Great Recession, I had struggled for years to find full-time employment. It ultimately led me into the world of independent contracting in 2013, and then to formally starting my own business in 2016. In 2017, I finally got my big break when I signed on to work basically full-time hours doing web development and GIS work. Or so I thought.
Less than 4 months into this new job, the company decided to stop paying me, and didn’t tell me. Once I discovered that my paychecks were missing, they kept telling me they would pay me “next week”. Several months later, which was way more leeway than I should have given them, I finally informed them I would no longer work for free. I tried to sue them for the unpaid wages, but at the end of the day, the lawyers informed me that the company had defaulted on over $1 million of business loans and the CEO had fled the country. It was staggeringly simple. You can’t squeeze blood from a stone. I wouldn’t be getting a dime from them. That was my reward for sticking it out and trying to help them get through the hard times.
Just like that, I was right back to square one. Only this time in a much more desperate situation. Because I was working nearly full-time for them, I didn’t pursue any other work. Now, I hadn’t been paid in close to 6 months, and had no leads on any new work. As the weeks looking for work turned into months, my frustration boiled over.
Later that day, I heard a Kenny Chesney song come on the radio. In that moment, it just spoke to me. I knew it needed to become part of my life, but I didn’t know how to integrate it.
Then I discovered the Fuck-It Bucket.
The Kenny Chesney song and the Fuck-It Bucket were a match made in heaven. At the exact instance that match was made, my whole life perspective changed. I realized that life is too short to work for shitty bosses. It’s my life, and I should call the shots in it. It’s time to take back control. And once I had that control back, things started to turn around really quickly. I landed a new contract, brought in record revenue in 2019, and dug myself out of that financial hole. Life was finally good!
I made a bucket list, changed the B to an F
Kenny Chesney, “Bucket”
I gave my give a damn the finger, so it got up and left
I quit worrying about people’s expectations
And ordered up a six pack of chillaxification.
If you’re a little depressed, and a little bit lost
Maybe write it all down, and then blow it all off
We’re all a letter away from perpetual bliss
Put an F on the B of your bucket list
This quote is displayed proudly on the side of my Fuck-It Bucket.
Are you stuck working a shitty job, fed up with COVID isolation, or has something else got you down? Let the bucket help you make the changes you want to live the life you envision. Kick those heartaches and regrets to the curb. Go make your dreams a reality. If you’re not gonna do it now, when are you?
The first step to your new life philosophy is to make your own bucket.
When you start using the bucket, you’ll discover that there are two ways to use it. And you should use both of them. Often.
Get rid of disappointment, regrets, and heartache. Kick your stresses, frustrations, and shame to the curb. Regardless if you have a shitty boss, just went through a bad breakup, or are dealing with any other bullshit in your life, dump all your negative thoughts into the bucket. Purge your worries and give yourself a fresh start. The past is over. You can’t change it.
Hakuna Matata
It literally means “there are no worries” in Swahili
The proactive version of the Fuck-It Bucket allows you to use the bucket to live the hell out of life. Instead of being stuck in the rat race, give yourself the excuse to chase your dreams, embark on adventures, and achieve greatness.
Toss it in the bucket instead! Do you know what happens if you try something and fail? You’re right back to where you started, but now you’ve learned a valuable lesson. That’s the worst thing that can happen. You will be better off for failing. Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, J.K. Rowling, and Elon Musk all have one thing in common. They all failed multiple times before becoming the successful household names you know today.
Mai Bpen Rai (ไม่เป็นไร)
“No problem, don’t worry, it’s okay” in Thai. And it’s not just an expression. It’s part of the Thai lifestyle.
There is nothing more deflating than working for a company that refuses to pay you. When it happened to me, I literally could not afford to do anything except cover the essential living expenses, plus a once-a-week trip to the grocery store. The rest of the time I was stuck at home until I landed my new contract in late 2018.
After about a year of record revenues and getting a taste of the good life in 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Just when I thought I had pulled myself out of the hole, we were sent right back into lockdown. To make matters worse, Arizona then became roiled in a spectacular political shitstorm as the 2020 election approached. Even more than a year after the election, that shitstorm is still going stronger than ever. While I could deal with the masking and distancing restrictions, having to deal with death threats and people pointing guns at you whenever you go out in public is where I draw the line.
Instead of wallowing in all the doom and gloom, I tossed all that bad news in the Fuck-It Bucket and chose to use the pandemic as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Not only had the pandemic exposed gaping holes in my business model and life philosophy, but the shutdowns gave me the opportunity to take a mulligan and fix them. And where did those failures go? Right in the Fuck-It Bucket, of course.
So what exactly am I doing to take advantage of this opportunity?
After a year and a half of COVID restrictions, culture wars, and political shitstorms, I was exhausted, burnt out, and just couldn’t handle the stress anymore. So with the help of the Fuck-It Bucket, I made the boldest move I could make. I consider myself a global citizen, and it has long been my dream to go see the world. Over 5 years of stress, heartache, struggles, and regrets went right into the bucket. It was so liberating, so cleansing, and so relieving. Especially when the words came out of my mouth.
Fuck it! I’ve had enough of this bullshit. I’m gonna sell my house and go travel the world to expand my own horizons, become a better global citizen, and realize my dreams.
Into the bucket it went, and off on the adventure-of-a-lifetime I go. While I will likely be limited to North America for at least the first year of this adventure, there is still much of it I haven’t seen. I’ll be documenting the entire journey on this blog, my new YouTube channel, and on the Matt Gove Photo website. Stay tuned for further details this winter. And don’t worry. The exceptional service from Matthew Gove Web Development that you’ve grown accustomed to over the years will be better than ever.
Now that you have all the information, it’s time for you to decide how to use your Fuck-It Bucket to live your best life. The haters and doubters will always be there. Put them in the bucket and don’t listen to them. Same goes for your fears. Don’t let them stand in the way of realizing your dreams.
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
Dr. Seuss
Take a chance. Be Bold. Imagine a life where you can’t wait to get out of bed every morning. And remember, if you fail, you’ll be no worse off. In fact, quite the contrary, you will have learned an important lesson that will set you up for success in the future.
I’ll leave you with one final thought for the bucket. When you reach the end and look back at your life, how do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be remembered as an average Joe who endlessly ran the hamster wheel in the rat race? Or do you want to be someone who made a meaningful, positive impact that changed the world?
I know which one I want. What’s in your bucket? Where will you find your adventure of a lifetime?
Top Photo: The Azure Waters of the Sea of Cortez Sparkle Behind the Palm Trees at El Malecón
Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico – August, 2019
The post The Fuck-It Bucket: How to Live Your Best Life and Realize Your Dreams appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>The post 10 Inspirational Yogi Berra Quotes to Motivate Your Life appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>Over the years, Yogi Berra also became well-known for his malapropisms and witticisms. These “Yogi-isms” offer not just humor, but also powerful wisdom and direct truth. Some of his most famous Yogi-isms include “it’s déjà vu all over again“, “you can observe a lot by watching“, and “a nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.”
I didn’t realize just how powerful these Yogi-isms were until I started to directly apply them to my life to inspire everything from my hobbies to my life philosophies to my career. Here are my ten favorite Yogi-isms, which I hope you can use for inspiration and motivation in your life, too.
One of my favorite inspirational quotes, this Yogi-ism is my go-to philosophy for travel. I love to discover and explore new places. Don’t be afraid to go down unknown paths for purposes of exploration. You never know what you’ll find. Some of the best photos I’ve ever taken were shot in places where I ventured off the beaten path and explored places I didn’t even know existed when I planned the trip.
Interestingly, the more I applied this philosophy to my travels and photography, the more I realized how well it applied to life in general. We all come to crossroads in life. Don’t be afraid to take a chance and try new things. You never know the amazing places it might take you. Inspirational quotes can only get you so far. As Michael Jordan once said, “You always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Give it a shot. If it doesn’t work out, the safer prong of that fork in the road will always be there for you to fall back on.
I don’t think you can sum up the COVID-19 situation in the United States any better than this Yogi Berra quote. The US response to the pandemic has been fractured and fragmented from the get-go, which has resulted in the US being one of the hardest hit countries in the world, despite the incredible medical technologies we have right at our fingertips. Even today, anything that resembles a plan for ending the pandemic varies wildly, depending where in the US you are.
At the beginning of the summer, COVID-19 cases in the United States dropped to their lowest levels since the onset of the pandemic in March, 2020. Everyone assumed the pandemic was over, so the US lifted all of its COVID-19 restrictions without a worry in the world…or any kind of contingency plan should the virus re-emerge. Then the Delta variant hit, and at the snap of a finger, it set the pandemic response back by a year. The US certainly didn’t know where it was going at the beginning of the summer, and we’re now paying a big price and winding up somewhere else.
Which is a perfect segue into our next Yogi-ism…
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a cruel reminder for a lot of people that we need to be flexible and adaptable in our daily lives. A year and a half after our lives were upended in an instant, many of us are still stuck in the pandemic limbo. We all want our 2019 lives back, yet at the same time, we want to embrace the positive changes that have emerged from the pandemic and embrace new opportunities going forward.
The pandemic laid bare some pretty serious flaws in my business model, my values, and my life philosophy. Instead of drowning in all of the negativity surrounding the pandemic, I decided to use the COVID-19 lockdowns as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to set my future up the way I want it to be. I realized what was most important to me and revised my business model to give me more time to start checking items off my bucket list and realizing my dreams. At the same time, it both stabilizes and boosts my income. As a result, I have never been more excited to realize the incredible potential that the future holds, despite the hell we’ve all been through over the past 18 months.
At the end of the day, you should always be looking for ways you can improve both your skillset as well as yourself as a person. You’re in control of your own reactions. What will you do in the face of adversity and challenge?
I can’t emphasize the importance of setting SMART goals. In case you’ve forgotted, SMART stands for:
Breaking large goals into small, manageable tasks lets you feel a sense of accomplishment, progress, and purpose. When you climb a mountain, you don’t try to climb it in one big step. You keep putting one foot in front of the other until you reach the summit. Small, manageable goals let you easily track your progress and quickly resolve any problems you may encounter along the way.
It’s not the most inspirational of quotes, but it’s solid life advice. Have you ever had an important meeting or appointment in an unfamiliar location? You’re constantly going over the directions for how to get there in your head, trying to figure out when you need to leave in order to get there on time.
When in doubt, leave early to ensure you arrive on time. Yes, it looks bad to arrive late, and arriving too early can make you look desperate. But just remember, you can always find a nearby park or coffee shop to hang out at while you wait for your appointment. It’s much less stressful to just walk down the street from that park or coffee shop than rushing around trying to find a place to park or wondering if you got on the correct train.
It always sounds weird to say, but failure is our best teacher. We should be embracing failure and learning from it, not fearing it. Some of the most successful people initially failed, but then learned from their mistakes. I needn’t remind you that Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, Albert Einstein’s teachers thought he was mentally handicapped, and Steve Jobs was once fired by Apple.
I don’t know about you, but I seem to need constant reminders to live in the present. It’s second nature to plan for future success, but far too often we get caught up in the future and forget about the present. This is another Yogi-ism that doesn’t seem like the most inspirational of quotes at face value, but it’s incredibly powerful when put into context. While it is important to plan for the future, we mustn’t lose sight of the present. Live for today today, and worry about tomorrow tomorrow.
As someone who loves to laugh, I could write a whole post of inspirational quotes about how important it is to laugh. As the old adage says, laughter is the best medicine. Laughter is medically proven to be one of the best stress relievers. Legend has it that the Three Stooges would actually have a daily laugh, where they would just sit down together and just laugh for three to five minutes every day.
“If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.”
Jimmy Buffett
But we can take the meaning of this Yogi-ism even deeper. The true therapeutics of laughter go far beyond just laughing. We must be able to laugh at ourselves when we do something stupid or when things go awry. Sure, there are always scenarios that are not funny at all, but more often than not, try to laugh at yourself when disaster strikes. Not only does it make you instantly feel better, but you’ll find that you can address the problem with much better reasoning and logic than if I was angry and frustrated. As a result, you’ll be able to resolve the problem and get back on track much quicker.
As manager of the New York Mets, Berra said this in July, 1973. At the time, the Mets trailed the Chicago Cubs by 9.5 games in the National League East. Later that season, the Mets rallied to pass the Cubs and win both the division and the National League Pennant to reach the World Series. Even though the Mets ultimately lost the World Series to the Oakland Athletics in 7 games, this saying became of Berra’s most famous Yogi-isms. I still hear it routinely used today.
No matter how bleak things look, never, ever, ever give up. You never know when that one break will come that finally turns everything around. And if you do give up, just remember this. You always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
Here in the United States, we live in an increasingly materialistic society. In turn, consumerism and the rat race has made us an incredibly selfish society. Modern technologies such as social media have only further compounded the problem. That’s just one reason in a very long list of reasons why I wholeheartedly reject the rat race and despise social media.
Always give before you receive. You may remember this lesson from your childhood when you went Christmas shopping. And don’t ever expect to receive, especially without giving first. That just makes you look selfish and entitled. If we all gave a little more and expected a little less, the world would be a much better place.
Yogi Berra’s quotes are just as powerful as they are inspirational. With a little wit and humor, Yogi-isms are short, to-the-point, and most importantly, easy to remember. When you hit a rut or are in need of a little motivation or inspiration, don’t hesitate to pull out a Yogi-ism to get back on track. Yogi-isms have certainly had a profound impact on my views and philosophies. How have they inspired you?
Top Photo: The Black River Cascades over Rocks in Queen Elizabeth II Provincial Park
Washago, Ontario, Canada – August, 2019
The post 10 Inspirational Yogi Berra Quotes to Motivate Your Life appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>The post 15 Powerful Anthony Bourdain Quotes That Inspire My Travel Photography appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>Over time, I found these quotes were shaping more and more of my values and philosophies. Influences expanded far beyond the sports world to include musicians, artists, and leaders from all over the world. I’ve decided to start posting collections of these influential and inspirational quotes so you can get to know me a little better and hopefully find some inspiration yourself.
First up is someone who made a profound mark on me since the first time I watched his show. Tragically taken from us in 2018, Anthony Bourdain was a true gift to this world. Whenever I finish watching an episode of Parts Unknown, I want to do nothing more than get out, explore the world, and experience new cultures. You can find many of Anthony Bourdain’s influences in my photography mission and story. Here are 15 of Bourdain’s quotes that have had the greatest impact on me as a travel landscape photographer.
Go back a little more than 10 years and I hated traveling. I had the completely wrong attitude towards it, seeing it as a chore instead of an experience. It was simply a way to get from Point A to Point B.
Storm chasing quickly changed that equation. It literally forces you to travel for an experience. It hooked me after I moved to Arizona and took my first solo adventure outside of the United States. I had traveled abroad before, but never alone.
Walking across the border from the US into Mexico is a unique experience. There are no customs checkpoints. You simply walk through a turnstile gate like you were walking into a stadium. Only this time when you come out the other side, you’re in a different country.
You step out on the street and your senses are instantly hit with foreign sights, smells, and sounds. At times, it’s almost a carnival-like atmosphere. My favorite part is the smell of street tacos that wafts through the air. When that smell hits you, you know you’re gonna be eating good that day.
Sensory overload is such an alluring feeling to me. It’s exotic and almost addicting, regardless of what country you’re visiting. Talk to the street vendors. Listen to their stories. Most importantly, buy something from them. You’ll have a trinket to remember the experience, and will help them support their families. Every time I visit Mexico, I leave the US Customs hall on my return trip already planning my next visit.
This is just good life advice for anyone. Don’t focus on the start or the end points. Enjoy the ride getting there. You only get one shot at this crazy game of life. Why not make the most of it?
As a photographer, all I can say is why tell you when I can just show you?
This quote really hits home after driving across the United States near the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in February, 2021. I got snowed in for 2 weeks in close to 40 below wind chills in Oklahoma. Then spent the night camped out in my truck on the side of a mountain in Kentucky in the middle of an ice storm. The lessons from that trip are heartbreaking.
Interestingly, seeing firsthand the pain that a year of pandemic, disinformation, and bitter divisiveness had wrought on this country left its mark in the most unexpectedly positive way. It’s time to bring good back to the world. After taking time to reflect and figure out what my true dreams are, the trip solidified my values as a global citizen. It finally allowed me to fully define my mission and goals for both Matthew Gove Web Development and Matt Gove Photo.
You only get one legacy. What’s yours going to be?
On my first overnight trip to Puerto Peñasco, I found myself unable to find the breakfast hall at the hotel I was staying at. It was about 6:30 in the morning, and at the time, I spoke very little Spanish. I looked around for hotel staff to ask, but at that hour of the morning, they were few and far between.
I eventually found one of the housekeepers, and asked her. She shrugged her shoulders and pointed at her ear, a telltale sign me she didn’t understand English. Time to think quick to see if I could come up with my questions in Spanish.
With the tiny bit of Spanish I knew at the time and a big assist from my fluency in French, I was able to come up with “¿Donde esta el desayuno?” as well as “¿A que hora esta abierto?“. She led me right to the breakfast hall, where I enjoyed a delicious breakfast of eggs and chorizo. I was so proud of myself.
It remains my goal to become fluent in Spanish. My Spanish skills have come a long way since that day, but I still have a ways to go before I reach full fluency.
They say that you always find the best hidden gems in the places that you least expect them. In 2012, a buddy and I took a road trip through the southwest. I was living in Oklahoma at the time, and it was my first time seeing the southwest.
Towards the end of the trip, we drove across southeastern Utah from Capitol Reef National Park to the Four Corners. As breathtakingly beautiful as the scenery was, it was also eerily remote. We drove over 150 miles. Other than the road, we saw no evidence of any civilization. No buildings, no parks, no rest areas, no cell service, nothing. Shortly after dusk, we rolled into Blanding, Utah, a small town near the Four Corners, and checked into one of the only hotels in town.
After checking into the hotel, the clerk informed us that they had a deal with a barbecue restaurant next door so people staying at the hotel could get a discount on food. Since I am a big fan of barbecue, it was no-brainer where to go for dinner. And boy did it not disappoint. To this day, it remains some of the best barbecue I’ve ever had.
We actually liked it so much we went back in the morning and had steaks for breakfast.
One of my favorite things about eating street food on my trips to Mexico is the people you meet. From the workers prepping your food to other patrons eating with you, it seems there’s always someone interesting to talk to.
Being a global citizen means getting involved as members of the international community and committing yourself to building on this community in a meaningful and positive way. I fondly remember a conversation with a candy vendor as we both ate lunch on the back deck of a waterfront seafood restaurant in Puerto Peñasco. It was a sweltering August afternoon, so everyone else sat inside in the air conditioning. Like most conversations with the locals down there, it was half in English and half in Spanish. It’s part of the unique charm I love about adventuring south of the border.
Open yourself up. Listen to their story. Try to understand where they’re coming from. And tell yours. You’ll be a better person, and the world will be a better place when we can better understand each other.
I thought I knew what Mexican food was. Then I started traveling to Mexico. Since then, pretty much every Mexican restaurant I’ve eaten at outside of Mexico just isn’t the same. There are certainly exceptions to that rule, but I found almost all of those eateries in either Texas or Arizona. Tex-Mex and authentic Mexican food are two very different things.
In today’s world of disinformation, it doesn’t take much. Present your view and back it up with facts and sensible logic, and you’ll get my respect. Regardless of whether or not I agree with you.
People’s obsession with what others think of them has baffled and bewildered me for decades. Sure, we all want to look good. But if it takes looking like an idiot to be comfortable or have a good time, so be it.
Immerse yourself in new experiences and new cultures. Become a member of a community, and commit to build on that community in a meaningful and positive way. Broaden your perspective through travel and bring back fresh, new views to your own community. And encourage others to do the same thing. You’ll all be better for it.
We’re all human. We all make mistakes. When you screw up, just admit it. People appreciate honestly a lot more than BS. And they’ll respect you more for it, too.
There’s no such thing as too much garlic. I put it in everything. And as someone who has cooked with and eaten both the spew rotting in oil in screw top jars as well as the fresh, Bourdain is right. If you’re too lazy to peel fresh, you don’t deserve to eat garlic.
I grew up in Massachusetts, went to school in Florida, went back to school in Oklahoma, and now live in Arizona. I’ve lived in many different parts of the US and have traveled to even more corners of it. Those experiences set me on the road to being a global citizen and played a major role in shaping my views and values. I truly believe that I would not be in the position I am in today to go travel and see the world if I hadn’t moved around so much.
Far too many people remain far too narrow-minded today. Open your mind to new experiences. Go out and try new things. You’ll be amazed at what you discover about yourself.
I am a firm believer that when you travel, you should completely immerse yourself the local culture. There’s one particular episode of Parts Unknown that stands out to me. Bourdain traveled to Chaing Mai, Thailand, and met up with a friend at a local restaurant to try some of the regional cuisine.
The general rule with food in Thailand is that it gets more exotic the further north you get. Some of the foods they tried in Chiang Mai sounded absolutely disgusting, but Bourdain said it was one of the most delicious and satisfying meals he ever had.
The lesson here is simple. Try the food. Speak the language. Participate in the local pastimes. You’ll have a much richer experience and can bring those new perspectives back to your own community. Save the McDonald’s for when you’re home.
The most valuable returns on the investment of travel are the experiences you have, the perspectives you gain, and the stories you can share with your community at home. Photography is an incredibly powerful means to engage communities and raise awareness both at home and abroad.
As you can tell from the quotes, Anthony Bourdain had major influences in my global perspectives and philosophy as a travel landscape photographer and as a global citizen. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll ever fully appreciate just how true of a gift he was to this world.
That is why we travel. Where will your next adventure take you?
Top Photo: Fannette Island and Emerald Bay
South Lake Tahoe, California – Feburary, 2020
The post 15 Powerful Anthony Bourdain Quotes That Inspire My Travel Photography appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>The post Using Reflection to Look Forward: COVID-19 Fuels a New Bucket List appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>Looking back at the past year or so, woof, what a dumpster fire. The COVID-19 pandemic took away my travel and photography adventures. It exposed major flaws in my business model and tried mightily to take down my business. The fail-safes I put in place to protect the business following a major financial mishap in 2017 were put to the ultimate test, but they held. Then, to put the cherry on top, death threats and threats of political violence forced me out of my home in Arizona. I still have no idea if or how that will get resolved.
I’ve never been one to have any tolerance for other people telling me how to go about my daily life. In times like the past 12 or so months, the best thing you can do is take all of that adversity and turn it around into something positive. Having my photography taken away and the flaws in my business model exposed were honestly one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, but I’m being completely serious here.
Hear me out. If you’re running a business and your business model has flaws in it, wouldn’t you like to know? Without that knowledge, you’re only holding yourself and you customers back. What good is it if you can’t reach your full potential?
Have you ever heard the saying “you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone”? If the COVID-19 pandemic had a slogan, that would be it. When you lose the comforts of normalcy, it’s easy to feel more emboldened, almost like you have less to lose.
Grab hold of that energy and ask yourself a few questions. If you had an unlimited supply of money and nothing tying you down, what would you do? Where would you do it? Why would you do it? When you answer those questions, you’ll discover your true values, goals, and dreams.
Interestingly, you would think that the pandemic’s impact on my business would have the greatest influence on my values, goals, and dreams. I thought that, too. It was actually losing my travel and photography adventures that made the greatest impact.
Shortly after moving to Arizona in 2015, I wanted to expand my awareness and views of the world. As a result, I began making routine trips to Mexico.
Stepping across the border and looking at your home country from the outside is a truly eye-opening experience. Gain a new appreciation for the good things you have. Expose societal and cultural flaws you thought were completely normal. Immersing myself in a new culture and a third language turned me on to the concept of being a global citizen.
A global citizen is someone who is aware of the world and has a sense of their role in it. They are involved as members of the international community and are committed to building on this community in a meaningful and positive way. Becoming a global citizen will broaden your global perspective and allow you to bring fresh, new views back to your own community. Photography is an incredibly powerful means to engage communities and raise awareness both at home and abroad. You can easily make a similar argument for the maps and data I work with, too.
Shutting down my travel and photography adventures for over a year made me question everything that’s brought me to this point. Witnessing the rapid, extreme, and too often terrifying radicalization of so many people in Arizona has only strengthened my rejection of those extremist views. Having to truly hate someone else’s views on the world is a terrible, awful feeling.
As a result, my drive and desire to raise awareness and share stories through my work in data science, GIS, and photography is stronger than ever. Coupling that work with international travel will make me a better business owner, a better photographer, and a better citizen.
Too many Americans are woefully ignorant about what’s going on outside our borders. The world should be a better place for everyone.
The seeds of my life dreams date back to the first time someone asked to purchase my photography. At the time, I was a college student who knew absolutely nothing about running a business, but I really wanted to be able to make money selling my photos online. However, the thought of the freedom that came with being your own boss was so alluring.
Graduating into a barren wasteland of a job market during the darkest days of the Great Recession only made crave that freedom of being your own boss more. After graduating, I used my spare time to learn the basics of how to run a business.
Because I had gone through multiple periods of long-term unemployment, most employers saw me as damaged goods and refused to hire me. At that point, I knew there was no going back. I started working as an independent contractor in 2013, and formally incorporated Matthew Gove Web Development, LLC in 2016.
When you run your own business, you learn to appreciate the good times and the bad. A client skipping out on a $40,000 bill nearly bankrupted me in 2017. After finally digging out of that hole, things finally began to take off in 2019. Then Covid hit. Despite all that, running my own business has been an incredibly rewarding process and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
After exposing major flaws in my business model, the COVID-19 pandemic made me realize that I took way too much for granted. It’s time to chase those bucket list dreams on both a professional and personal level. If you’re not going to do it now, when are you?
Matthew Gove Web Development, LLC will be releasing a new line of offerings within the next few weeks. The new lineup will eliminate much of the hassle of writing quotes and negotiating prices, and will allow us to deliver a higher quality product to you in a shorter time frame. In addition, I have automated most of the administrative tasks, freeing up valuable time to focus on your projects.
Prior to the COVID-19 lockdowns, I had been on track to hit $100,000 per year in gross revenues at some point between 2020 and 2022. While the pandemic took a big bite out of that, I am confident that we’ll be able to reach that having patched the holes in my business model, I can hit benchmark sooner rather than later.
Once you reach that benchmark, why stop there? I’d love to get to $200k per year. Then maybe $400k? Having gone through the misery long-term unemployment after graduating college, I still dream of one day being able to create a job for someone in the same situation. My goal is to be able to do that within the next three to five years.
Opening an online store to sell my photography has been on my bucket list for over 15 years. However, it seems like I’ve always lacked either the time, money, or experience to do so. Thankfully, a once-in-a-century pandemic has finally given me an opportunity where I have all three at once, so the Matt Gove Photo store will open within the next three to six weeks. If you can’t wait, you can license a photo today.
Losing the ability to travel and take photos took far more than just a fun activity I enjoy doing. It took away part of voice because I use photography to share stories and raise awareness. I didn’t realize just how much travel meant to me until I lost it to the COVID-19 lockdowns.
After the hellish pandemic year, it’s time to gain some new perspective. To become a better business owner, photographer, and global citizen, I am setting off to travel the world. One of the greatest perks of having my own business is that I can work from anywhere. After COVID-19, it’s a privilege I truly cherish. With all of the craziness going on in the United States right now, I hope to be able to bring some of the global perspective home with me.
While I like to travel to beautiful places for landscape photography, my choice of destination goes far deeper than that. To become a better global citizen, I also want an authentic cultural experience that will allow me to engage communities both at home and abroad. I want to experience new foods, listen to new music, and immerse myself in both foreign language and cultural events.
It will likely still be a while before the world fully reopens, so we’ll be sticking closer to home at least to start. Since we’re based out of the United States, that means North America and the Caribbean.
In order to have the richest experience abroad, you should be familiar with the regional and cultural differences within your own country. In a country as vast and diverse as the United States, it’s especially critical. You can’t gain new perspectives abroad if you’re oblivious to what’s going on at home.
Thankfully, I’ve already been to 40 of the 50 states, so getting the last 10 shouldn’t be too difficult. I’d like to visit all of the US territories as well. It’s been close to 20 years since I last set foot in either Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.
There are a couple trips in Canada I’ve had my eyes on for a while.
South of the Border, I want to immerse myself in everything Mexico’s rich culture has to offer. Like the US, Mexico is an incredibly diverse country, and my adventures in Sonora and Baja California haven’t even begun to scratch the surface, yet. In addition, I hope to be able to gain fluency in Spanish and broaden my perspectives of the many issues plaguing the US-Mexico border today.
I would like to visit every National Park in the US and Canada. Making a big loop through the National Parks in western US and Canada has been on my bucket list ever since our Great Southwest Trip in 2012.
Immersing yourself in the local language is one of the best ways to maximize your experience in any location. Even if all you can say is “hello”, you’ll form a deeper connection with the locals once you can break through the language barrier.
French Language (Re-)Immersion. Martinique et Guadeloupe, vous m’avez manqué! I’d also love to get back to Québec at some point, as well as visit French Polynesia. However, I studied French language and culture for more than 10 years. The holy grail of French language and cultural immersion lies in the rich diversity of Francophone Africa. I already have plenty of knowledge and tips for visiting countries like Sénégal, Gabon, and the Congo.
Spanish Language Immersion in Mexico. Ever since setting foot in Mexico for the first time, my goal has been to gain fluency in Spanish. Instead of sitting at home endlessly thumbing through textbooks, what better way to gain fluency than the experience of immersing yourself in it?
My worldwide bucket list goes far beyond anything I can list here, but here are a few to whet your palette.
After 15 months of isolation and lockdown, we’re all itching to get back out and do the things we love with a semblance of normalcy. I hope the pandemic has given you as much drive to rediscover your passions as it has me.
Rediscovering my true values and purpose has motivated me to engage communities and raise awareness both at home and abroad through photography, as well as my work in data and GIS. In doing so, I hope to be able to gain new perspectives about life in the United States, as well as bring some world culture home.
During previous crises, I have always taken solace in music. As we get set to take back our lives and enjoy our newfound freedom, I wanted to express the mood and excitement of these new beginnings and new opportunities. Kenny Chesney couldn’t have done it better.
“This is our moment. This is our time. We ain’t holdin’ back, we’re laying it all on the line. This is our destiny. It’s our night to shine.” What are you waiting for? Go make your dreams become reality.
Top Photo: Pondering My Thoughts at Lake Thunderbird
Norman, Oklahoma – March, 2014
The post Using Reflection to Look Forward: COVID-19 Fuels a New Bucket List appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>The post 2020 was a Dumpster Fire. Here are 5 Ways You Can Make 2021 Much Better. appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.
]]>In normal years, I like to look back at all the great highlights from the past year and use that momentum as a springboard into the new year. I really don’t see much point in going too deeply into a year that had so few highlights. At this point, I consider it a victory that after 10 months of being locked down at home, I haven’t started singing to lamp shades and engaging in deeply philosophical conversations with my light switches.
Instead of wallowing in the misery of the dumpster fire that was 2020, let’s instead focus our efforts into making 2021 a much better year. Let’s be realistic. 2021 probably won’t be the best year we’ve ever had, as we will likely still be dealing with the pandemic for most of the year. However, it’s up to us to make it the best year we possibly can.
The State of Oklahoma gave us a master class in how to recover and move on from a major disaster following the 20 May, 2013 EF-5 tornado that tore through the City of Moore. At the time, I was a meteorology student at the University of Oklahoma, living less than 10 miles from the damage path. It was fascinating being able to watch first hand the disaster, the response, and the recovery unfold. I learned a lot from that disaster that can be applied to the current pandemic.
It’s no secret that Oklahoma knows how to deal with violent tornadoes. That’s especially true for the City of Moore. Believe it or not, the 2013 tornado was the second EF-5 tornado to make a direct hit on the city in less than 15 years. Moore was also hit on 3 May, 1999, a storm that is the gold standard in mesoscale meteorology textbooks to this day. During the 1999 tornado, doppler radar measured a confirmed wind gust of 318 mph (512 km/h). That record still stands today as the strongest wind gust ever recorded on Earth.
So how is Oklahoma so resilient to being the target of violent weather so frequently? It’s so amazingly simple there’s really no excuse for not applying it to the current pandemic.
Moore was mostly rebuilt by the one-year anniversary of the tornado in 2014.
During my tenure as a student at OU, I was completely blown away by the concept of The Oklahoma Standard. It’s essentially an unwritten rule that says that you look out for your neighbors and fellow community members, especially during tough times. Prior to the 2013 tornado, I had never seen anything like the sense of unity and community during the healing and recovery process. I’ve never seen anything like it since.
Want to see the Oklahoma Standard in action? One of the first groups to arrive in Moore to help with the 2013 tornado recovery was from Newtown, Connecticut. If you’ve forgotten, Newtown had been the site of the horrific Sandy Hook massacre less than 5 months earlier. The group spent several months following the tornado hauling trailers full of donated aid, supplies, and disaster relief from Newtown to Moore.
That summer, one of the local TV stations in Oklahoma City caught up with the leader of the Newtown group. They asked him what motivated them to help Moore so much. He said it was the least they could do to give back and show their appreciation for the incredible outpouring of love and support they received in the aftermath of Sandy Hook.
We need more people like that to get us through the COVID-19 pandemic.
We all want to eat healthier, lose weight, and make more money. Those are some of the most common New Year’s Resolutions out there. Unfortunately, they are also incredibly vague. They do not specify any criteria to determine how or when they’ll be attained. And you wonder why almost everyone abandons their New Year’s resolutions by the 19th of January.
The secret to staying on track is to set SMART goals. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Vague resolutions like “lose weight” or “make more money” are none of those things. Here are a few examples of how you can turn your vague resolutions into SMART goals.
Vague Resolution | SMART Goal |
Lose Weight | Lose 15 pounds by the 1st of June |
Exercise More | Run 1 mile at least 4 times per week |
Make More Money | Start a side business monetizing your favorite hobby that generates $100 per month by the end of the year. |
Learn a New Skill | Complete and pass two courses in your desired skill by the end of the year. |
Travel More | Book trips to Mexico, Thailand, and France for the spring, summer, and fall. |
If you’re anything like me or a lot of other people, your bucket list is probably full of travel-related items. While I’m hopeful some semblance of being able to travel will return in 2021, I wouldn’t bank on it to check anything off your bucket list.
Instead, focus on the COVID-friendly items on your bucket list. I know you have them on there. Start that side business you keep talking about. Build the table you’ve always wanted. Do that dream home improvement project you keep putting off.
Checking something off your bucket list is a great way to break the day-to-day monotony of pandemic life. As a bonus, it will also boost your mental health, make you feel good, and help beat back some of those COVID blues.
Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, I have spent much of my free time setting both myself and my business up for success in the future. While they’re not fully completed yet, some of these projects include:
I consider anything to set yourself up for future success an investment in yourself. That investment is made in some combination of time and money. You’ll need to figure out the balance that best suits your situation. When properly executed, the return on investment (ROI) can pay off hugely in the long run. In the best of outcomes, you’ll create a positive feedback loop that just keeps boosting your ROI. I recently argued that the COVID-19 crisis can be a glittering opportunity. It’s up to you to figure out how much you want to take advantage of it.
During tough times, there is nothing more liberating and cleansing than a fresh start. After a year like we just had, there is no better reason than the New Year’s holiday to put 2020 behind us and start fresh in 2021.
However, it’s important to not completely erase 2020 from memory. Forgetting the sacrifices and hardships we all endured will only lead to more complacency and ignorance and increase the chance we’ll wind up right back in this exact same mess when the next disaster strikes. As divided as we are these days, I think we can all agree that we don’t want to have to relive 2020 anytime soon.
Happy New Year, and here’s to a safe, healthy, and much more normal 2021.
Top Photo: Cleansing and Refreshing Scenery at Lake Tahoe
Sand Harbor State Park, Nevada – February, 2020
The post 2020 was a Dumpster Fire. Here are 5 Ways You Can Make 2021 Much Better. appeared first on Matthew Gove Blog.